Wednesday 26 March 2014

Cocktail Party!!!

Yesterday we had our Team Building event. Usually Team Buildings are events where you go out play some games in teams, have couple of drinks, lunch and you are done. But this time it was something different. This year’s team building activity was so much of fun. Guess what? We learned to make cocktails. 

We reached the venue at 12 noon. The venue was a rooftop party place and the view from the top was just awesome. So we were divided into team of 2. Then there was this guy who stood in front of us and demonstrated each cocktail recipe. First one was a Mojito. Believe me guys, cocktail making is an art. Though everybody made it with the exact same ingredients, it all tasted different. The rule of the game was that, after making the cocktail, you have to exchange it with your partner. That means you will end up drinking the cocktail that your partner made. Second cocktail that we made was Cosmopolitan. That was just divine. We were only supposed to make 2 cocktails but we ended up making too many. And of course, we ended up consuming all of it. Needless to say, we all were tipsy. Seriously, that was too much of fun.

The strange part was that, when we were leaving from office for the venue, we all girls had plans to just leave in the middle of the party and go for shopping. But only because it was so much of fun, we ended up being the last ones to leave the venue. 

Here are few photos of my Cocktail Party!!!!

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