Thursday 1 August 2013

Hot and Sour Chicken Soup!!!!

And the Friday is here. I still can't believe how quick this week was. I still remember getting up on Monday morning and thinking whether to go to work or go back to sleep.

So I woke up today craving for something. Guess what?? Indian Chinese food. I want hot and sour chicken soup and noodles. There is a Chinese restaurant in the complex where I stay. The real authentic Chinese one. But I don't want that. The original Chinese food is so bland. Even if I ask them to make it spicy for me, it still can’t beat the Indian Chinese back in India.

The hot and sour chicken soup made in the Indian way. Wow....I still remember the times when I was in Bangalore. The moment I feel that I am getting cold which usually starts with a throat pain, I go to the nearest Chinese restaurant and order for a soup...And it really worked for me all the time. 

So now the question is, here in Johannesburg where can I get the Indian Chinese food. Can anybody help???

Monday 29 July 2013

Something is wrong!!!

I was known for my pleasant personality. Because I always had this smiling face. But recently I hear people saying " you look sad", "you look depressed" "what's wrong with you" "are you alright my girl". Suddenly I too started feeling that something is wrong with me. What's wrong with me?

I think I am missing India. But I am not an emotional person. I always wanted a comfortable life. And life is too smooth here. Less population and no pollution. Very organized city. But somehow, I miss the madness of India. Those trains, rains, traffic, street foods...I wish I could just go back.

I recently started this habit of reading Indian newspapers online. Now a days that's the first thing I do in the morning. And that's keeping me so connected to India and maybe that's the reason I am longing to go back.

I hope the time will fly and December will come soon :)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

I almost forgot about my blog!!!!!

It’s been a long time now that I have written down something. It’s not because I am so busy in life. It’s just that I don’t get that mood to write something down. Those who are aware that I write once in a while always encourage me to write. But I am so lazy. The moment I get some time, I prefer to sleep. J
After my previous blog, a lot of things happened in my life. Some major ones too.  I went back to India. I got married. I returned to Johannesburg leaving my husband in India. Leaving doesn’t mean that I left him forever. I am here on an assignment and will fly back to my love the moment I am done.
Every time I come back to this country, it always charmed me with many things. It’s so strange that in India, when I stay away from my loved ones, I feel home sick. But surprisingly, here I don’t feel homesick.
When it comes to blogging I had many plans. I was planning to start a regular fashion blog. I recently have developed a passion for beauty and styling. So the homework is going on. I was also planning to blog about the places I visited in Africa. Sometime I think of blogging about my cooking experiments. But I think first I should read someone’s blog on “how to overcome laziness” lol.
I was a regular writer on another platform 4 years back. I am trying to get back to that mode of writing.
Hope to be back more often. Take care